Friday, June 1, 2012

Walking Confidently With Jesus – The Veil Has Been Torn

Leviticus 16:1-2 – “The Lord spoke to Moses after the death of Aaron’s two sons, who died after the entered the Lord’s presence and burned the wrong kind of fire before him. The Lord said to Moses. “Warn your brother, Aaron, not to enter Most Holy Place behind the inner veil whenever he chooses; if he does, he will die. For the Ark’s cover – the place of atonement – is there, and I myself am present in the cloud above the atonement cover.”

Matthew 27:51 – “At that moment the veil in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.”

2 Corinthians 3:16 – “But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.”

The Gospel story and the love of God always takes me back and makes me fall in love with Jesus more and more everyday.  That verse in Leviticus, which talks about how Aaron could not just see the Lord whenever he wanted, no one could, he had to wait a certain time of the year after doing a process of spiritual cleansing.  It is an extremely harsh fact that the Israelites and people of God had to do these just to be right with Him.  Talking to some people they actually get confused and frustrated and view Jesus as an unfair and impersonal God.

That very story proves just the opposite though.  And this is what makes me so excited to live and love and grow more and more for Jesus everyday.  That was the Old Testament.  In the New Testament is a scripture in Matthew 27:51, THE VEIL IS TORN!!!!  Jesus loved us so much and so deeply desired to have a personal relationship with us that He came just to undue everything that sin started.  Our sin nature and flesh is what blocked us from seeing and hearing and communing with God.  But great news, Jesus died on the cross and tore the very sin and veil that blocked us from experiencing and walking in the very presence of God.   

Jesus came for one purpose – to tear the veil that blocks our personal relationship with Him. We now have a confidence in knowing Jesus came and died and tore the veil.  Knowing that our past sins don’t cause any blockage from God.  Knowing that we can rightfully walk in His presence and live out in His blessing and favor. 

A lot of times in life I let past and present circumstances and surrounding affect how I commune with Jesus and look to Him in everything.  It is so easy to look around and try to solve all life’s problems with our own reason and our own thinking.  It is so easy to allow our emotions and how we feel to dictate our time with Jesus. 

I never forget a story and demonstration when I was very young at a kid’s camp I went to that a pastor did.  For some reason it always stuck and from then I knew it was crucial in my life to look to Jesus for everything I do and He always has everything in control when we completely trust in Him.

Very simple but meaningful example: Try balancing a long stick or broom on our hand.  It really isn’t too difficult looking up at the top.  Now try looking down and balancing it.  It’s nearly impossible.  I’m extremely competitive and went at it for a while, but still failed to succeed. 

That’s what are relationship with God is now like ever since he came to die for our sins and tear the veil.  As long as we look to Him in everything it will be ok.  We now have a confidence knowing he is there to make our paths straight, that he has everything in control.  Before we had to balance the stick looking down or blindfolded, but now the veil has been torn.

Don’t let past or present worries or emotions affect how deep your relationship with Jesus is.  He so desperately wants a personal relationship and doesn’t just say it, but actually came down and died for us to show how much He wants to be with us. 

Let’s live everyday knowing confidently that the veil has been torn and we now walk with God. 

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